A hammer union comprises of a thread end, a nut end and a hammer nut which, when cinched up, compresses a composite seal assembly thereby preventing leakage. The seal assembly comprises a metal insert of a size to pass into the seal groove of conventional hammer unions and a small seal acting between the insert, the thread end and the nut end. The small seal is conveniently an O-ring or a Hammer Union Seal (Lip Seal) and is of a size that is compressed when the seal assembly is inserted into the thread end of the hammer union, thereby preventing the seal assembly from falling out of the threaded end when it is inverted.
Some profiles such as Fig 2202, Fig 1004, Fig 1502, Fig 2002, Fig 602, Fig 1002 etc require a Hammer Union Lip Seal or an 'O'Ring depending on the Size of the Hammer Union.
Revata Engineering manufactures Hammer Union Seals (Lip Seals) for Standard Service in Nitrile and Fluoroelastomer for Sour Gas Service. The manufacturing process is closely monitored so as to gurantee the correct hardness and composition.
Revata Engineering also manufactures special Hammer Union Seals (Lip Seals) in materials that resist explosive decompression for safety and reliability. We manufacture compatible Hammer Union Seals for Weco Hammer Union Seals and Guiberson Hammer Union Seals.
Please contact us for more information on our Hammer Union Seals (Lip Seals).